Providing safe and healthy homes for children of families in crisis.

How can we help you?


Life can feel overwhelming especially if you don’t have a safe support system. 

We recognize that while some families can turn to relatives and friends for assistance, for others there is no safety net and a crisis can make it difficult for parents to provide a safe and stable environment for their children. If you are experiencing trials, we can help by providing safe care for your children while you work out the challenges. Our professional staff can help arrange for your children to stay with a screened, trained, and approved host family until the challenging issues you are facing have been stabilized. This can give you valuable time and support, allowing you to work out your problems without having to worry about the safety of your children. Our staff will also help you navigate resources that you may need to help your situation.

Safe Refuge for Children and Families is here to support you in your time of need.


Requesting Support


To learn more about our program please call our support line during business hours.

(925) 566-8050 

Messages are checked regularly after hours. Someone will contact you as soon as possible. 


You can also fill out a Request Support Form Below 


Who do we help?


      • a parent who has experienced trauma and loss and is feeling overwhelmed
      • a parent needing to be hospitalized or in need of urgent medical care
      • a parent being admitted into a treatment program
      • a single parent feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands
      • a parent facing homelessness
      • a parent leaving a domestic violence relationship
      • a parent needing time for their mental health to stabilize 
      • a parent waitlisted for a shelter or residential program
      • a parent at risk of losing their job and needing temporary childcare support as they work on a long-term childcare solution
      • a parent experiencing a combination of these life situations